What are your worship times and locations?
Every Sunday 9:00 AM Sunday school in the Memorial Room (adults) and Children in the children's area.
Every Sunday 10:00 AM worship service in the Sanctuary.
Do you provide childcare during worship?
Yes! We now offer childcare for infants to age 5. You're child is welcome in worship (see further below) but we understand how hard it can be to focus in worship when the kiddos are running around. We want to support young families however we can.
Where is a good place for me to park?
Parking along McIntyre Ave. in front of the church is welcomed, as well as the parking lot across the street from the front of the church (also on McIntyre). You are also welcome to park on the side street, Gregory St., as well.
What doors do I enter through?
The double doors facing McIntyre will lead you into the bell tower with the sanctuary to your right. This entrance has a ramp if needed! If you park on Gregory St., the door closest to the back of the building will lead you right into the sanctuary!
What time do I need to arrive?
There is plenty of seating available. If you arrive 10-15 minutes prior to the start of worship, you'll have time to grab a bulletin and get comfortable in a pew!
Is the service contemporary or traditional?
Our service is a blended service with a contemporary and traditional played by our worship musicians.
Are food and drink allowed during the Sunday service?
Drinks are allowed for adults.
Are children welcome in the service?
ABSOLUTELY! Jesus said "let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such of these" [Matthew 19:14]. Recent scientific research has indicated that it was GOD who put the wiggle in children. We know that children remember how churches treat them even more than they remember what churches try to teach them. We love kids in worship and there are some children’s books, children's worship bulletins, and crayons in the drawers at the back of the Sanctuary. Children are welcome to stay in worship with their families and wiggle and giggle. It’s ok. Really.
Do I need to bring my own bible?
You are more than welcome to bring your own bible if you are more apt to take notes. We provide Bibles in each row of pews for your use as well.
How does your church handle visitors during communion? Is it frowned upon to not participate?
We have an Open Communion table, so all are welcome (including children)! However, if you don't feel comfortable, please do not feel pressured to receive.
Should I receive Communion if I feel unworthy?
Two thousand years ago Jesus ate with sinners and those whom others scorned. He still does. None of us are worthy, except by God’s grace. We thank God we don’t have to earn worth in God’s eyes by our goodness or our faith. Your sacred worth, and ours, is God’s free gift. No matter what you have done or what your present condition, if you want Christ in your life you are welcome at his table. Communion provides the opportunity for you to confess your sins, to receive forgiveness, and to indicate your intention to lead a new life. We believe: none are worthy, all are welcome. NOTE: If you are not able to come to the altar and would still like to receive, please let the usher know.
Is offering required? What is a common amount given? Do you take cards and checks for donations?
As a guest, please do not feel obligated to give an offering. If you do feel called to give, whatever you feel necessary will be welcomed. If you would like to make a donation with a check, please make it out to Taft MC. We also have the ability to take your tithes and donations with a credit card. Another option is our online giving portal Here. Please ask an usher. If you are interested in seeing where the offering money goes, read this for more information!
Are there requirements to join your church?
Our pastor will welcome the opportunity to visit with you. Those joining Methodist Churches are invited to repent from those ways of living that have not brought peace into their lives. We ask those wishing to join, "Do you accept the freedom and power God gives you to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves?" And we ask: "Do you confess Jesus Christ as your savior, put your whole trust in his grace, and promise to serve Him as your Lord, in union with the Church which Christ as opened, to people of all ages, nations, and races?"
How does baptism work in your church?
We believe baptism is an outward act of worship indicating a change of heart and love for God. Our pastor will welcome the opportunity to visit with you to pray and learn about baptism.
How do I need to dress?
The members of Taft Methodist Church come from a variety of backgrounds, and have a variety of styles. Please feel free to dress as you feel comfortable.